What could be causing html-webpack-inline-source-plugin to prevent the page from refreshing after editing CSS files?

Currently, I am utilizing a plugin that embeds all CSS within the final HTML file. This method prevents the application from refreshing in development mode. Whenever I make edits to the CSS, the build process completes normally, but the styles do not update on the webpage. The only way I can see the changes is by restarting the server.

Are there alternative ways to embed CSS inside the HTML file? I attempted to use the style-loader as detailed here: link, but it did not function correctly.

This is my webpack configuration:

[webpack configuration code here]

I have noticed that when I remove new HTMLInlineCSSWebpackPlugin(), the page refreshes as expected.

Answer №1

Make a simple adjustment by passing configuration to the HTMLInlineCSSWebpackPlugin() constructor for filtering purposes.

new HTMLInlineCSSWebpackPlugin({
  filter: (filename) => false

If you are working with Typescript, consider the following:

new HTMLInlineCSSWebpackPlugin({
  filter: (filename: string) => false

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