What causes the table formatting to disappear when displaying rows in a Vue component?

When I insert rows manually into my HTML table, all the styles look great. However, when I use Vue components with the v-for directive to render the rows, the columns in the table shift around. Here are the hardcoded rows:

 <table class="table_body">

                       <tr class="main_table_tr" >
                        <td class="main_table_td column_1">999999</td>
                        <td class="main_table_td column_2">0000000001</td>
                        ... (remaining content unchanged)
                    <tr class="main_table_tr" >
                        <td class="main_table_td column_1">999999</td>
                        <td class="main_table_td column_2">0000000001</td>
                        ... (remaining content unchanged)
                    ... (repeated rows omitted for brevity)

Here are the rendered rows:

 <table class="table_body">
  <tr class="main_table_tr" is="app-skuins" :list-of-rows="listOfRows"></tr>

And here's the template that gets rendered:

template: `<div>
       <tr class="main_table_tr" >
                        <td class="main_table_td column_1">999999</td>
                        <td class="main_table_td column_2">0000000001</td>
                        ... (remaining content unchanged)
 <tr class="main_table_tr" >
                        <td class="main_table_td column_1">999999</td>
                        <td class="main_table_td column_2">0000000001</td>
                        ... (remaining content unchanged)
 ... (repeated rows omitted for brevity)        



SOLVED: After using the tbody option, the issue was resolved:

This is what is in the HTML page now:

<table class="table_body">
   <tbody is="app-skuins" :list-of-rows="listOfRows"></tbody>

And this is how it looks when rendered through the Vue component:

template: `<tbody>
        <tr class="main_table_tr" v-for="(row, index) in listOfRows">
        <td class="main_table_td column_1">{{index + 1}}</td>
        <td class="main_table_td column_2">{{row.inDoc.docNumber}}</td>
        ... (remaining content unchanged)

Many thanks to everyone who helped!

Answer №2

It appears that there is an unnecessary div in your template - consider removing it for efficiency:

template: `
    <tr class="main_table_tr" v-for="(row, index) in listOfRows">
    <td class="main_table_td column_1">{{index + 1}}</td>
    <td class="main_table_td column_2">{{row.inDoc.docNumber}}</td>
    <td class="main_table_td column_3">{{row.sku.code}}</td>
    <td class="main_table_td column_4">{{row.sku.name}} </td>
    <td class="main_table_td column_5">{{row.serial}} </td>
    <td class="main_table_td column_6">{{row.expireDate}} </td>
    <td class="main_table_td column_7">{{row.qty}}</td>   
    <td class="main_table_td column_8">{{row.sku.unit.unit}}</td>  
    <td class="main_table_td column_9">{{row.price}}</td>  
    <td class="main_table_td column_10">{{row.vatPrice}}</td>  
    <td class="main_table_td column_11">{{row.total}}</td>  
    <td class="main_table_td column_12">{{row.vatTotal}}</td>  
    <td class="main_table_td column_13">{{row.inDoc.docDate}}</td>  
    <td class="main_table_td column_14">{{row.inDoc.contractor.name}}</td>  
    <td class="main_table_td column_15">{{row.inDoc.type.docType}}</td>  
    <td class="main_table_td column_16">{{row.inDoc.owner.fullName}}</td>         

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