What is the best way to complete a CSS animation and load a new URL simultaneously?

I was thinking of incorporating a series of fade-ins, followed by a fade-out, and concluding with the loading of a new page (target=self). After some research online, it appears that CSS animations do not include the functionality to fetch a new URL as the final step.

Is there a straightforward method to achieve this? The initial page will be utilizing jQuery for loading. The new URL needs to be triggered once the animation is completed.


Ultimately, I followed this css animation tutorial to create a 5-second animation. I embedded all the CSS in the <head> section and included the images in the page in base64 format to avoid additional HTTP requests. After confirming the resulting file size (11Kb) and checking Google Analytics for average load times for files of that size (less than 1 second), I appended

<META http-equiv="refresh" content="8; url=page2.html">
to the page. It may seem old-fashioned, but it gets the job done.

Answer №1

When it comes to animating your content, the method you choose can determine how you handle certain events. If your animation is driven by CSS, you can detect the end of the animation using the `animationend` event with appropriate vendor prefixes for cross-browser compatibility:

$(ele).one('webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend', function() {
    // Load new URL
    window.location.href = newURL;

Check out a demo of this approach here: http://jsfiddle.net/teddyrised/pqxsj8v9/

On the other hand, if your animation is powered by jQuery, specifically using the .animate() method, you can utilize the callback function like so:

    // Animation properties
}, duration, function() {
    // Load new URL
    window.location.href = newURL;

Here's a demo illustrating this jQuery approach: http://jsfiddle.net/teddyrised/ad0vtqyt/

Answer №2

By consistently setting the animation duration, you have the ability to precisely manage the timing of the animation and ensure the page loads effectively afterwards.

Answer №3

How do you trigger the animation? You mentioned using jQuery, so if jQuery is being used for the animation, you can utilize the callback function to load your page or set a timeout.

$('.someElement'.animate({}, timeFrame, function () {

    // execute code here or set a timeout for when the entire animation is completed
    setTimout(function () {
        //code here
    }, timeForAnimationToFinish);


jQuery animate documentation

If you are adding classes and utilizing CSS3 transitions, you could do the following:

$('#someThing').addClass('animateMeFor30Seconds', function () {
    var someThing = $(this);
    setTimeout(function () {
        // proceed to the next animation
    }, 30000);

It may not be perfect, but it will pass your unit tests and allow for refactoring. :-)

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