Are the nav, footer, header tags not functioning correctly?

Hi everyone, I'm a newcomer to StackOverFlow!

I have a question about the necessity of tags like Nav, footer, header, etc. Do they serve any purpose other than indicating what each section is about? I've heard they might be good for SEO rankings, but I'm not sure.

Also, I'm curious as to why someone would use #navbar instead of just using navbar directly as an id. Any insights on this?

Answer №1

HTML Semantic Elements play a crucial role in structuring documents effectively. With the introduction of HTML5, several semantic sectioning elements were introduced to assist in organizing document structures. These elements are specifically designed to convey structural meaning to browsers and other technologies that interpret documents for users, such as screen readers and voice assistants.

While not mandatory, utilizing these tags can significantly improve the organization of documents.

To learn more about HTML Semantic Elements, visit W3Schools' guide on HTML Semantic Elements

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