What causes the sudden disappearance of all information when I simply press a button?

I am currently working on a website that allows users to switch between languages, specifically Polish and English. All text on the website changes languages accordingly. However, I have encountered an issue with the menu functionality. The menu consists of anchors that scroll down to specific sections when clicked. The problem arises when the language is set to Polish, as it causes everything to disappear, but works fine when set to English.

<div id="en" class="menu">
        <p id="dateCountEn"></p>
            <li><a href="#aboutMe">about me</a></li>
            <li><a href="#pcSpecs">pc specs</a></li>
            <li><a href="#accounts">accounts</a></li>
            <li><a href="#usefulLinks">useful links</a></li>

    <div id="pl" class="menu">
        <p id="dateCountPl"></p>
            <li><a href="#aboutMe">o mnie</a></li>
            <li><a href="#pcSpecs">specyfikacje kompa</a></li>
            <li><a href="#accounts">konta</a></li>
            <li><a href="#usefulLinks">przydatne linki</a></li>

<div class="spacer2" id="aboutMe"></div>

        <div id="en">
            <h1>About me</h1>
            <p>My name is Maksym Kasza</p>
            <p>I was born on 23rd November 2001 (23/11/2001) in Poland</p>
            <p id="ageEn"></p>
            <p>I've been living in England since 2008</p>
            <p>I can speak 2 languages fluently</p>
            <p>This website was created by me</p>
        <div id="pl">
            <h1>O mnie</h1>
            <p>Nazywam się Maksym Kasza</p>
            <p>Urodziłem się 23 listopada 2001 (23.11.2001) w Polsce</p>
            <p id="agePl"></p>
            <p>Mieszkam w Anglii od 2008 roku</p>
            <p>Potrafię płynnie mówić w 2-óch językach</p>
            <p>Ta strona została stworzona przeze mnie</p>

Answer №1

The reason for the behavior you're experiencing is due to the click listener on the polish links:

<body class="en">


Since your body has the class "en", clicking on a polish link will hide the entire body.

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