Tips for making an input field that overlays text

I am currently working on a project that involves creating multiple cards using Bootstrap. Each card consists of a header, body, and footer. When a card is clicked on, I want an input field to appear in the header, footer, and body sections, overlaying the current text content. Although I have successfully toggled the class, I am facing challenges in aligning the input fields over the text.

Below is the HTML structure:

`<div class='card-deck col-3' id='deck'>
        <div class='card grow'>
            <div class='card-header par'>
                <h3 class='target'>${tasks.task}</h3>
                <input id='updateTask' placeholder='Task'>
            <div class='card-body par'>    
                <h6 class='target'>Due by: ${newDate}</h6>
                <input id='updateDate' placeholder='Date'>
            <div class='card-footer par'>    
                <h6 class='target'> Priority: ${tasks.priority}</h6>
                <input class='update' id='updatePriority' placeholder='Priority'>

Here is the JavaScript code used to toggle classes:

let card = $(this)

Lastly, here is my current CSS styling:

     position: relative;

#updateTask, #updateDate, #updatePriority{
    position: relative;   
    z-index: 999;

     display: none; 
    z-index: -999;

In setting the 'par' class for each input and text set to relative positioning, I then positioned the input fields as absolute. Despite trying different combinations of positioning and restructuring divs, I have not been able to stack the input fields over their respective text successfully.

Unfortunately, the JSfiddle does not work due to my usage of bootstrap in this project.

Answer №1

We will be implementing the function to apply the "toggleClass" call to each element.

$('#deck input').each(function(index, element){

Simply select all .target elements within #deck and delete them.

$('#deck .target').remove();

Regarding the .hidden class, using display:none is recommended but keep in mind that the z-index property requires a position property to work properly. (It only functions on positioned elements such as position:absolute, position:relative, or position:fixed) )

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