What causes the source code of a website to change when accessed from various browsers?

When analyzing the source code of bartzmall.pk using various browsers, it reveals different classes being added to the html tag for each browser.

For Firefox:

<html class="firefox firefox53 otherClasses">

For Chrome:

<html class="webkit chrome chrome58 otherClasses">

For Internet Explorer:

<html class="ie ie11 otherClasses">

And for Opera:

<html class="webkit opera opera45 otherClasses">

The "otherClasses" class encompasses around 14 other common classes across all browsers.

How does this website manage to modify its source code based on the browser used? What is the purpose behind these unique browser-specific classes?

P.S. Additionally, why are there so many classes added to the html tag in the first place?

Answer №1

If you're looking to optimize your website for different browsers, there's a handy JS plugin called "modrnizer" that can help. This tool detects the type and capabilities of the user's browser and automatically adds specific classes to your HTML tags. By utilizing these classes in your CSS rules, you can create a customized experience based on the differences between browsers.

Currently, the modrnizer website appears to be down. However, you can learn more about how it works by reading this informative article:

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