Is there a way to incorporate text at the end of a row in HTML?

I have a photo and some text on my website. The photo is displayed on the left side, while the text appears nicely on the right side. Now, I am looking to include an additional block of text below the existing text. How can I accomplish this? What steps should I take to add another text block below the current one? I attempted to insert a <p> element directly into my current code, but it didn't simply align underneath as expected. My goal is to have one image with two blocks of text. Can you advise me on how to integrate a new block of text beneath the one I already have?

<td> ImageAlign="Middle" ImageUrl = "/Images/a.png"</td>
<td style= padding-left: 20px;> ID="ContentLabel"</td> 


Answer №1

here are the steps to take...

<td> ImageAlign="Middle" ImageUrl = "/Images/a.png".  
<td style= padding-left: 20px;>

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