What causes elements in a floating position to remain stationary when the element is scaled down?


If I have three DIVs sitting in the same row, each with a width of 33% and height of 100%, and I decide to use transform: scale(0.5) to zoom out the first one, why does the second one not move left as expected? Any ideas on how to make it work?

Answer №1

A question with a related topic can be found here. The following quote is extracted from the approved response:

When using CSS Transform, it does not disrupt the layout of the document. The DOM element will maintain its original position and size within the page structure.

Response provided by techexpert

Hence, the DIV remains stationary because even though it is scaled, it is still considered to be the same size by the document. If you want the transformation to impact the layout, adjust the width and height properties accordingly.

Answer №2

Whenever the transform property is utilized, it triggers the creation of a stacking context. This results in the object serving as a containing block for any position: fixed elements within it.

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