What can I do to prevent the border from breaking apart when I zoom in?

To address the problem of the 1px black border at the bottom of the header being cut off, try zooming into the page and scrolling right. How can this issue be resolved?

Answer №1

Make sure to add the border bottom property to your header div.

It is worth mentioning that if you are using Google Chrome, you can navigate to select elements and see the dimensions of each div. This will assist you in troubleshooting any issues in the future.

Answer №2

Implemented a creative solution. Surprisingly, it functions perfectly.

Check out the live demo here

#wrap {
    width: 100%;

#header {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;
    margin-bottom: -1px;

Answer №3

It's not a big deal whether the border-bottom effect follows the size of your browser because most web users don't zoom in and out of pages like you do.

It should display fine on all screensizes as long as you don't constantly zoom in and out. Every site encounters this issue, but it's nothing major to worry about.

Answer №4

To make the #wrap element take up 100% of the width in CSS, you can simply set its width to be 100%.

Otherwise, you can try this alternative approach:

    overflow-x: hidden;
.extendfull, .extendleft
    padding-left: 3000px;
    margin-left: -3000px;
.extendfull, .extendright
    padding-right: 3000px;
    margin-right: -3000px;

Using overflow-x: hidden will prevent horizontal scrolling, while increasing padding provides a clear way to adjust the layout.

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