What can be done to prevent the aspect ratio from being altered?

I am working on creating a parallax effect using a background image that is set to a width of 100% and a height of 700px. I have set the image to have a fixed attachment, but the problem arises when I change the size of the browser window - the picture loses its aspect ratio. How can I prevent this from happening while still keeping the image responsive?

            <li id="back">
                <a href="#" id="back"><img src="../images2/back.png" /></a>

            <li id="name">
                <h1>Person Name</h1>
    <section id="iImage">


width: 100%;
height: 700px;
background-image: url(../images2/DerekDesktop.jpg);
background-size:  100% 100%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;

P.S. My next media query breakpoint is at 1280px, so the background won't change until then. I am aware that there are some inefficient CSS practices in this code, but this is just a training website and will not be made public.

Answer №1

To enhance your design, switch the background-size property to cover rather than 100% 100%

background-size: cover;

UPDATE- You initially specified the width as 100% and height as 700px. Consequently, when adjusting the browser window size, it retains these dimensions which distorts the image's aspect ratio. To maintain balance, you must sacrifice either the width or the height.

Alternatively, you can utilize the background-position property

background-position: center;

With this code, your image will be centered on the page.

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