What are the steps to achieve a double-layered border that is inverted?

Can a unique scoop border style be created using CSS or jQuery?

Similar to the design in the image below:

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, you can utilize a single div element along with the use of :after and :before pseudo-elements in conjunction with radial-gradients.

div {
  position: relative;
  width: 400px;
  height: 400px;
  background: -webkit-radial-gradient(top left, #ECECEC 3%, transparent 3%), -webkit-radial-gradient(bottom left, #ECECEC 3%, transparent 3%), -webkit-radial-gradient(top right, #ECECEC 3%, transparent 3%), -webkit-radial-gradient(bottom right, #ECECEC 3%, transparent 3%);
  background: -moz-radial-gradient(top left, #ECECEC 3%, transparent 3%), -moz-radial-gradient(bottom left, #ECECEC 3%, transparent 3%), -moz-radial-gradient(top right, #ECECEC 3%, transparent 3%), -moz-radial-gradient(bottom right, #ECECEC 3%, transparent 3%);
<div>Unique text that showcases the power of creativity and innovation through coding excellence.</div>

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