Issue with IntersectionObserver not detecting intersection when the root element is specified

I am encountering an issue with my IntersectionObserver that is observing an img. It works perfectly when the root is set to null (viewport). However, as soon as I change the root element to another img, the observer fails to detect the intersection between the two. After spending hours debugging this problem, I have decided to reach out to the community for assistance.

You can find the code in this file from the public repository: here

For better visibility, here is the code:

    class="flex flex-col content-center justify-center items-center mt-16"
    style="height: calc(100% - 4rem)"

    // code continues here



Answer №1

It appears that the issue lies in the fact that your underground image is not a child of the logo image (since an image cannot have ancestors).

If you refer to the W3C documentation for Intersection Observer, it states:

An IntersectionObserver with a root Element can observe any target Element that is a descendant of the root in the containing block chain.

This implies that the target Element must be a descendant of the observed target Element in order for it to be observed correctly.

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