What are some ways to utilize the pseudo elements ::before and ::after within the Material-UI framework?

Can someone please explain how to use the pseudo-element method in MUI? I couldn't find clear instructions in the documentation, so I decided to post a question here.

The docs mention the following about pseudo elements:

The box-sizing property is globally set on the element to border-box. This means that every element, including *::before and *::after, inherits this property to ensure that the declared width of the element is not exceeded by padding or border.

This part is where I am getting confused.

Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Answer №1

When setting the width of a div, it can include the border width in the total width or not.

For example:

div { width: 10px; border: 10px solid grey; box-sizing: content-box}

With content-box as the box-sizing property, the total width of the div becomes 100 + 10 + 10.

div { width: 10px; border: 10px solid grey; box-sizing: border-box}

With border-box as the box-sizing property, the total width remains at 100px;

Every element, including its children and pseudo elements like ::before and ::after, inherits the same box-sizing value that is defined in the parent element.

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