Aligning a child div within a parent div using HTML/CSS where the child div takes up 30% of the parent div and

Can anyone help me figure out why these two INPUT elements aren't aligning next to each other?

I appreciate any assistance you can offer!


html, body {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;

    <DIV STYLE='width:100%;'>
        <INPUT  TYPE=text  size=10 maxlength=10 
        <BUTTON STYLE='width:30%; float:right;'

Answer №1


Click Here

To eliminate additional space, padding, border, and margin.

Answer №2

Your right floating was successful. Try floating both left and it should resolve the issue. Keep in mind that if there are padding or margin values around them, a total of 70% + 30% + padding/margin might not fit on a single line :)

Answer №3

<DIV STYLE='width:100%;'>
        <INPUT  TYPE=text  size=10 maxlength=10 
        <BUTTON STYLE='width:30%; float:left;'
        >Click Me</BUTTON>

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