What are some ways I can enhance the typography within Material UI?

Currently, I am in the process of developing a custom theme utilizing createMuiTheme. However, my application requires more typography variants than what Material UI provides out of the box. I need to extend the typography so that it aligns with my specific requirements which includes 'h1', 'h2', and 'subtitle1' styles along with additional variants exclusive to my app. How can I go about achieving this customization?

Below is a snippet of the code:

const rawTheme: Theme = createMuiTheme({
  // Add your theme configuration here

I would greatly appreciate any assistance on how to accomplish this task.

Answer №1

At this current time, there is no built-in way to achieve that specific customization. However, you have the flexibility to define overrides for the MuiTypography component for any variant other than the standard ones. These overrides will be applied when creating styles.

If you wish to accomplish your goal in a more practical manner, consider using a wrapper component. This wrapper can utilize default Typography components for standard variants while applying custom styles for non-standard variants.

import { Typography as MuiTypography, makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core'

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => // your Typography overrides are available here
const standardVariants = ['h1', ...]

export function Typography(props) {
  if (standardVariants.includes(props.variant)) return <MuiTypography {...props} />

  // your custom typograhy component

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