Webpack Encore: SCSS import order causing unexpected issues

When developing with Symfony + Webpack Encore, I aim to split styles into "layout" and "page-based" categories for convenience. However, despite this organization, I still prefer to compile all styles into a single CSS file. To achieve this, I structure my code as follows:


// ... redefining bootstrap variables here

@import "~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";

// ... incorporating common functions, mixins, font-face definitions here

.my_style1 {
    padding-left: 12px;
    padding-right: 12px;

.my_style2 {
    @include make-container-max-widths();


@import "_global"

// other styles go here

However, during compilation (using require('../css/app.scss'); exclusively in my app.js), the styles are ordered as [ global, bootstrap, app ], which is not the desired outcome. For example, if used like this:

<div class="container my-style1"></div>

The container's padding will take precedence over the styling defined in my-style1.

A peculiar observation is that the development version of app.css displays styles in the expected order, where my-style overrides container. But in the production version, the order is reversed (container overrides my-style). Additionally, while working in development mode (where non-compiled styles are displayed by Chrome), it becomes apparent that _grid.scss takes precedence over _global.scss.

Answer №1

Apologies for the swift resolution I provided, as I had invested a considerable amount of time prior to seeking help. However, I managed to find the solution promptly. Hopefully, this can help others save some time.

To ensure that styles are recompiled whenever any file changes (as opposed to just when app.scss changes), you simply need to include other styles in your app.js file. This will also ensure that the order is correct:



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