We stumbled upon a fascinating blob experiment on Codepen (https://codepen.io/vcomics/pen/ZwNgvX) and were eager to incorporate it into our project. However, we encountered an issue with the color changing feature on this perlin object (rcolor, gcolor, bcolor).
perlin: {
speed: 0.4,
size: 0.7,
perlins: 1.0,
decay: 1.20,
displace: 1.00,
complex: 0.50,
waves: 3.7,
eqcolor: 0,
rcolor: 1, <--
gcolor: 0, <--
bcolor: 0, <--
fragment: false,
points: false,
redhell: true,
While it may appear to be an RGB code, it is not. We tried inputting the RGB code for red (255, 0, 0) but it did not have the desired effect. Three.js has an example on their website to help clarify this:
//Separate RGB values between 0 and 1
var color = new THREE.Color(1, 0, 0);
Since posting this question, a controller has been added on the experiment page to easily adjust the color of the blob.