Ways to update the title of a Magento widget

I've added a widget to showcase new products on my Home page and it's displaying perfectly. However, I want to get rid of the title "New Product" that comes with it.

This pesky little thing needs to go!

I'm having trouble locating the correct file in the root directory to remove the title. I found the file in app/design/frontend/rwd/default/template/catalog/product/widget/new/column but for some reason, my edits are not taking effect. I've tried commenting out or changing the description, but nothing seems to work.

Can someone please point me in the right direction? Help! I'm using Magento 1.9

Answer №1

Before making any changes, ensure that you are utilizing the correct package, whether it be RWD or default. Next, activate template hints in the configuration menu (you can refer to online resources for guidance). Navigate to the page containing the widget and carefully identify which .phtml file is being utilized. At this stage, adhere to Magento's recommended practices by overriding the file without directly editing default templates. Always create your own theme and place the modified version there. Once you have located and overridden the file, removing elements should be straightforward unless you lack familiarity with php.

Answer №2

To adjust the translation of the term "New Product" in this specific locale, you can make changes in the file located here: app/locale/en_US/Mage_Widget.csv.

If you wish to assign a distinct name to each widget, please refer to the following URL for guidance:

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