What causes the "v-col" width to suddenly alter after adding the "bg-red rounded" class?

I'm struggling to organize the data into blocks using Vuetify. When I apply the "bg-red rounded" class to the "v-col", it alters the width of the column, resulting in an undesired grid structure.

Here is the template section of my Vue file. Some data has been omitted for confidentiality reasons.

        <v-container class="bg-red rounded">
          <v-list class="bg-red font-weight-bold pa-0">
              <v-row col="12" no-gutters>
                <v-col cols="6"> CODE </v-col>
                <v-col cols="1"> {{ `\t:` }} </v-col>
                <v-col cols="5"> 5568 </v-col>
            [Other data here]

        [More similar formatting]

    [Additional content]



My goal is to add a background color to the empty space in the left column without affecting its width. However, when I try adding background color to both columns, the column widths shift. https://i.sstatic.net/B0sAnQzu.png

Why does this occur? And what is the best method to layout these grids in a visually pleasing way (ensuring that the top block's width matches the bottom block's width)?

Answer №1

The appearance of the v-col remains consistent in terms of size and shape, but it becomes clearer when a red background color is added.

Your initial screenshot actually displays the dimensions of the inner v-container, which does not utilize the full height of the v-col and is horizontally constrained by padding.

The red background on the v-col fills the space that was previously empty within the v-container. You can verify this using your browser's DOM inspector.


To maintain the spacing between columns, you could resolve this issue by incorporating the background-clip CSS property, ensuring that the background color does not exceed the element's padding area.

<style scoped>
.v-col.bg-red {
  background-clip: content-box;

Check out the Vuetify Playground example

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