Is it possible to have a hidden div box within a WordPress post that is only visible to the author of the

How can I create a div box with "id=secret" inside a post that is only visible to the author of the post?

I initially made it for the admin, but now I want the id to be visible exclusively to the post's author.

For instance:

If the author is currently logged in, they should have access to the content within id=secret.


If another user is logged in, they should not be able to see the content assigned to id=secret.

This was my previous approach for the admin:

/* hide role-specific div */
#privat {
  display: none;

body.logged-in.admin-bar #privat {
  /* Admin is logged in*/
  display: flex;

Answer №1

Here's a helpful tip for you- [Using PHP MySQL]

if (isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])) {

     <div id="private">Your content</div>


You don't need any CSS code To implement this, create a login form with PHP MySql

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