Ways to reduce the size of a Select box when the option text is too lengthy

How can I reduce the size of the select box by splitting the lines of the options

I attempted to modify the CSS with:

select {

However, only the select element was affected. The options remained the same size.

My goal is to have the options match the width of the select box.

Please assist!

Answer №1

According to the information on msdn, styling options within select elements is limited. The only style settings that can be applied are background-color and color. Any other style settings applied through the style object for the option element will be ignored.

Answer №2

It is possible to apply CSS styles to any element within the HTML document, including elements like select and option. The necessary rules for this would be:

select > option
    width: 100px;

These rules set the width for both the select element itself and its child nodes (the option elements). However, it's important to note that certain browsers may enforce their own styling which could override these rules. For example, on a tablet device, the default options might be too small for touch interaction, leading to a browser-specific popup instead. In my testing with Firefox, the width rule worked as expected.

If the above approach doesn't work for your specific case, you can try the following alternatives:

max-width: 100px;      /* sets maximum width */
overflow: hidden;       /* hides overflowing content */
word-wrap: break-word;  /* wraps long words onto new lines */
break-word: break-all;  /* strong word wrapping */

If you prefer to have more control over the appearance of GUI elements like <input /> or <select>, you can create custom wrappers. This process isn't too complex for <select> elements, requiring only:

<ul class="select" data-special-type="select">
    <li>My selected option</li>
    <li>A happy little option</li>
    <li class="selected">My selected option</li>
    <li>A third option</li>
    <li>Maybe even a fourth</li>

To style this custom wrapper, you can use CSS like so:

    display: inline-block;
    position: relative;
    z-index: 1000;
    overflow: hidden;
    max-height: 20px;
    line-height: 20px;
    width: 100px;
    background-color: #eee;
    padding: 0px 5px;
    width: 200px;
    overflow: visible;
ul.select > li
    display: none;
ul.select > li:first-child
    display: inline-block;
ul.select:hover > li
    display: inline-block;
ul.select li.selected
    background-color: #06f;
    color: #fff;

To make this custom select element functional and interactive, JavaScript can be utilized. While a pure CSS solution is feasible, JavaScript may be needed for scenarios where z-index issues arise. In such cases, dynamically adding an additional container to the DOM and positioning it using position: fixed based on the element's getBoundingClientRect() coordinates could resolve the problem.

This should serve as a solid starting point for customizing select elements. Should you encounter difficulties or desire further customization, there are ready-made libraries available to assist with this task.

Answer №3

Perhaps a solution could involve adjusting the font size using jQuery for options that exceed your desired width.

I had this idea in mind:

var options = [];
//Extracting "text" from options
$('select option').each(function(){
//Select those that exceed a certain number of characters.
var longer = options.filter(function(element){
    return element.length > 30;

//Adjusting the css of the options in "longer"
$('select option').each(function(index){
    if ($.inArray( $(this).html() , longer ) > -1){


To enhance the appearance, it might be better to only modify the last words of the option while keeping the first ones at their original size.

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