jQuery - Enlarge Tree View to the level of the selected node

I am struggling to figure out how to expand the tree view up to a selected node level. If anyone has any ideas on how to accomplish this, please let me know.

For instance, if we click on 'Parent d' in the 'Category list', I want to expand the 'Tree View List' up to the 'Parent d' level. For more details, you can check Here


Category list

When clicking on any list item, the tree list should expand up to the selected level

<ul id='category'>
  <li li-id='1' id='1'>Parent 1</li>
  <li li-id='2' id='2'>Parent 2</li>
  <li li-id='3' id='3'>Parent 3</li>
  <li li-id='4' id='4'>Parent 4</li>
  <li li-id='5' id='5'>Parent c</li>
  <li li-id='6' id='6'>Parent d</li>
  <li li-id='7' id='7'>Parent a</li>
  <li li-id='8' id='8'>Parent b</li>
  <li li-id='9' id='9'>Parent e</li>
<li parent-id='5' li-id='10'>Parent x</li>

Tree View List

Node View
<div class='tree'>
<ul id='ulCollapse'>
  <li parent-id='0' li-id='1'>Parent 1</li>
  <li parent-id='1' li-id='2'>Parent 2</li>
  <li parent-id='1' li-id='3'>Parent 3</li>
  <li parent-id='1' li-id='4'>Parent 4</li>
  <li parent-id='3' li-id='5'>Parent c</li>
  <li parent-id='3' li-id='6'>Parent d</li>
  <li parent-id='2' li-id='7'>Parent a</li>
  <li parent-id='4' li-id='8'>Parent b</li>
  <li parent-id='4' li-id='9'>Parent e</li>
<li parent-id='5' li-id='10'>Parent x</li>


//$('#ulCollapse li').hide();

$('ul li').click(function(){
    var nodeId = $(this).attr('li-id');

var $ul = $('ul');

$ul.find('li[parent-id]').each(function() {
  $ul.find('li[parent-id=' + $(this).attr('li-id') + ']')
    .wrapAll('<ul />')


Answer №1

Although I am not a expert in javascript, I took a shot at solving your issue. Please check out the functional demo

var $ul = $('ul');
$(document).ready(function() {
  $ul.find('li[parent-id]').each(function() {
    $ul.find('li[parent-id=' + $(this).attr('li-id') + ']').wrapAll('<ul />').parent().appendTo(this) 
// This part of the code remains unchanged, but I've placed it inside document ready function for first-time execution only
$('ul#category li').click(function() {
  $("#ulCollapse1").html(''); // A new div section was created here
  $("ul").removeAttr('class'); // Remove active classes 
  var nodeId = $(this).attr('id');
  $("#ulCollapse1").html($(".active").parent().clone()); // Obtain the parent element of the marked elements (which is 'li')
  $("#ulCollapse").hide(); // Hide the main treeview

function arrangeNodes(item) {
  $ul.find('li[parent-id=' + item + ']').parent().closest("ul").addClass("active"); // Locate the item and mark the closest ul as active (selected)

I hope this solution proves helpful.

Answer №2

I'm having trouble grasping the goal you're aiming for.

Could it be that :lt() is the solution you seek?


List of Categories

<ul id='category'>
  <li li-id='1' id='1'>Parent 1</li>
  <li li-id='2' id='2'>Parent 2</li>
  <li li-id='3' id='3'>Parent 3</li>
  <li li-id='4' id='4'>Parent 4</li>
  <li li-id='5' id='5'>Parent c</li>
  <li li-id='6' id='6'>Parent d</li>
  <li li-id='7' id='7'>Parent a</li>
  <li li-id='8' id='8'>Parent b</li>
  <li li-id='9' id='9'>Parent e</li>
  <li li-id='10' id='10'>Parent x</li>

View of Nodes
<div class='tree'>
  <ul id='ulCollapse'>
    <li parent-id='1'>
        <li>Parent 1</li>
    <li parent-id='2'>
        <li>Parent 2</li>
        <li>Parent 3</li>
        <li>Parent 4</li>
    <li parent-id='3'>
        <li>Parent c</li>
        <li>Parent d</li>
        <li>Parent a</li>
    <li parent-id='4'>
        <li>Parent b</li>
        <li>Parent e</li>
    <li parent-id='5'>
        <li>Parent x</li>


$cats = $("#category");
$tree = $("#ulCollapse");

$cats.on("click", "li", function() {
  var nodeId = $(this).attr('li-id');
  console.info("NODE ID: ", nodeId);
  var maxEq = $tree.children("[parent-id='" + nodeId + "']").index();
  maxEq < 0 && (maxEq = 0);
  maxEq++; //LTE since :lte() doesn't exist
  console.info("MAX EQ: ", maxEq);
  $tree.children(":lt(" + maxEq + ")").show();

FIDDLE ==> https://jsfiddle.net/x45j4fx6/1/

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