Ensure that the user's browser cache is cleared after deploying a new version on Firebase hosting

Utilizing create-react-app for my front end scripts and firebase hosting for deployment has been smooth overall. However, I've encountered an issue where updates to CSS and HTML files don't always reflect on the domain until I manually clear the cache. Is there a way to automate the cache clearance process whenever I deploy to the hosting?

Answer №1

Your browser handles caching, based on the caching headers specified by Firebase Hosting. It's important to find a balance between reloading unnecessary files and serving stale content to users.

Here are some options:

  • Find a middle ground for displaying latest content while minimizing bandwidth usage.
  • Instruct users to reload the page when there are updates.
  • Implement URL fingerprinting to serve new content under unique URLs.
  • Convert your app into a PWA to have more control over cached content vs. network-loaded content.

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