I have integrated a label onto an image and I am trying to figure out how to determine the exact position of each label on the screen. Is there a way to retrieve the screen coordinates for each label? Below is the code snippet that I have uploaded, perhaps it can provide some guidance.
function labelBox(Ncardinal, radius, domElement)
this.screenVector = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
this.labelID = 'MovingLabel'+ Ncardinal.name;
this.position = convertlatlonToVec3(Ncardinal.lat,Ncardinal.lon).multiplyScalar(radius);
this.box = document.createElement('div');
this.box.setAttribute("id", this.labelID);
a = document.createElement('a');
a.innerHTML = Ncardinal.name;
a.href ='http://www.google.de';
this.box.className = "spritelabel";
this.domElement = domElement;
labelBox.prototype.update = function()
var posx = Math.round((this.screenVector.x + 1)* this.domElement.offsetWidth/2);
var posy = Math.round((1 - this.screenVector.y)* this.domElement.offsetHeight/2);
var boundingRect = this.box.getBoundingClientRect();
//update the box overlays position
this.box.style.left = (posx - boundingRect.width) + 'px';
this.box.style.top = posy + 'px';