Ways to minimize CSS animation when hovering?

Hey there! I've got a question that's pretty broad, so no code to share at the moment.
I spent some time yesterday experimenting with different CSS animations, but ran into an issue trying to use the :hover pseudo-class to control them. My goal is to adjust the speed of the animation when a user hovers over the element.

If anyone has a solution using just CSS, I would really appreciate it! Thanks in advance. :)

Answer №1

There is no standard method for accomplishing this task. You may need to think outside the box.

One common workaround for slowing down a CSS animation on hover is to duplicate the animation on both the element and its parent, then pause one using animation-play-state: paused; when hovered over (or vice versa with animation-play-state: running;).

EXAMPLE (taken from this answer: Change the Animation speed on hover)

Of course, this solution won't work for every animation, so you'll have to get creative and come up with unique solutions for each specific scenario.

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