Ways to make the sole element you've designed fade into view

I have a function that creates a note in the DOM. The issue is that when the note is created, it adds the "fade in" animation class to all notes instead of just the one being created. How can I modify it so that only the newly created note will have the animation effect?

function createNote(note){
    const noteContainer = document.querySelector("#note-display");
    let noteEl = `<div id="${note.id}" class="note fade-in">
                            <span onclick="removeNote(this)" class="remove-container">
                                <i class="fa fa-remove"></i>
                            <textarea onchange="updateMessage(this)">${note.message}</textarea>
    noteContainer.innerHTML += noteEl;

Answer №1

You might want to consider using the insertAdjacentHTML method, which can be found onMozilla MDN insertAdjacementHTML.

Your function could be structured like this:

function addNote(note){
    const noteContainer = document.querySelector("#note-display");
    let noteEl = `<div id="${note.id}" class="note fade-in">
                            <span onclick="removeNote(this)" class="remove-container">
                                <i class="fa fa-remove"></i>
                            <textarea onchange="updateMessage(this)">${note.message}</textarea>

    noteContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', noteEl);

Note that when using insertAdjacentHTML, it is important to escape any user input before inserting it as raw HTML. The documentation cautions:

It is crucial to sanitize user input before inserting it into a page with the insertAdjacentHTML() method to prevent XSS attacks.

For plain text insertion, it is better to utilize Node.textContent or Element.insertAdjacentText() instead of insertAdjacentHTML(). This way, the content is treated as raw text rather than HTML.

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