Ways to increase the size of a div to match the maximum height of its parent container

My current project involves using an angular dialog layout where the API to open and manage the dialog comes from a separate library. The dialog's parent container has a max-height attribute, meaning the dialog's height is determined by its content. This setup presents a challenge when dealing with an empty div within the dialog. Since there is nothing inside the div, the dialog's height remains at zero. How can I make this empty div expand to match the max-height of the parent container?

To illustrate this issue further, consider the following example-


<div class="parent">
  <div class="child">


.parent {
  background-color: purple;
  max-height: 100px;

.a {
  background-color: red;

In this scenario, I need the child element to expand to the max-height of its parent (100px). Attempts to use CSS properties such as display: flex on the parent and flex: 1 on the child have proven unsuccessful. It is important to note that directly setting the child's height to 100px is not a viable solution, as the specific height value in my case is dynamic and cannot be assumed constant.

Answer №1

One way to handle setting the child's max height is by inheriting it from the parent, eliminating the need to know the specific value set in the parent element.

To demonstrate this, you can then set the child's height to a very large value. In the given example, using 100% as the height would work, but it may require knowledge of ancestor elements' positioning. This snippet provides a simple solution by setting a height that is significantly larger than the inherited max-height.


    .parent {
      background-color: purple;
      max-height: 100px;
    .child {
      background-color: red;
      max-height: inherit;
      height: 10000px;

  <div class="parent">
    <div class="child">


By inspecting computed styles in the browser developer tools, you can verify that the child's height has been successfully computed as 100px, aligning with the desired outcome.

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