Verify the position of the scrollbar without triggering any reflow

Here is a function I have:

        is_bottom: function() {
            if (settings.scrollBottomOffset === -1) {
                return false;
            } else {
                var scroll_height, scroll_top, height;
                scroll_height = self[0].scrollHeight;
                scroll_top = self.scrollTop();
                height = self[0].offsetHeight;
                var limit = scroll_height - settings.scrollBottomOffset;
                return scroll_top + height > limit;

I use this function to determine if my content is at the bottom before rendering the html. If it is, I move the scrollbar on the element to the bottom after adding new content.

The issue is that this causes reflow which I want to avoid, as it results in double layout - once when checking if it's at the bottom and again after rendering the new content.

I believe optimizing this part of the code could make a difference, especially during heavy rendering operations. Even saving milliseconds can matter.

So, my question is, is there an alternative way to check if the scrollbar is at the bottom? Perhaps using a sentinel element and CSS positioning until it's hidden (e.g., with visibility: hidden). It might involve utilizing new intersection or resize observers for better performance, possibly improving only in certain browsers.

EDIT: I've realized that I can first check if my content has a scrollbar. The code that triggers multiple re-renders doesn't even display a scrollbar:

    function have_scrollbar() {
        return fill.outerWidth() !== self.outerWidth();

The problem here is that this also leads to reflow. Is there a way to check if an element has a scrollbar without causing reflow?

Answer №1

It appears that you are asking about listening to a scroll event on the body element. You can achieve this by attaching an event handler to the body element, and within that, extract information about the current scroll state from the event object.

Answer №2

I have successfully tackled almost all of my tasks by implementing the intersection observer method and placing a dummy element at the bottom of my scrollable container. As stated in MDN, this API functions when the parent has a scrollbar, allowing me to detect if an element is at the bottom:

function checkIfBottomIsReached(intersections) {
    isBottomDetected = intersections[0].intersectionRatio === 1;
function setupBottomDetection() {
    if (window.IntersectionObserver) {
        var scrollMarker = $('<div class="scroll-marker"/>').appendTo(self);
        bottomObserver = new IntersectionObserver(checkIfBottomIsReached, {
            root: self[0],
            rootMargin: '0px',
            threshold: 1.0

It appears that this method works accurately for detecting when the user scrolls to the very bottom with a marker that only requires height: 1px;. Additionally, to avoid extra spacing, you can implement margin-top: -1px.

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