Ways to format a C# string outcome showcased in HTML (ASP.NET)

I'm facing an issue with formatting the output (string) retrieved from a C# database connected to ASP.NET. I want to style the row["Grens"] differently from row["Sanctie"], for instance.

The result is displayed in a basic div:

<div id="resultaat" runat="server"></div>

Here's what I attempted to do, but it didn't work:

public string ShowBoundariesByKeyword(string keyword)
        string resultList ="";

        foreach (DataTable table in _persistcode.SearchBoundariesByKeyword("%" + keyword + "%").Tables)
            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                resultList += "<span class='t1'>" + row["Grens"].ToString() + ": "+"</span>" + "<span class='t2'>"+row["Sanctie"].ToString() + "<br>" + "This belongs in category: " + row["IDCategories"].ToString() + "</span>";

        return resultList;

Currently, my CSS code looks like this:

      font-size: 30px;

      font-size: 18px; 

Answer №1

Here are some helpful suggestions:

1. Utilize the Browser's inspect element or View Source feature to identify the name of your span at runtime, then modify your class from t2 to match that name.

2. Use the Browser's inspect element or View Source function to determine the name of the parent div, and adjust your t2 class to something like: #div_resultaat_01 .span .t2

3. Employ Attribute Selectors to change your t2 class to span[class*="t2"], which will target any span with a class name containing t2.

4. Try using the nth child selector to style even or odd spans. For instance, you could update your css as follows:

.resultaat span:nth-child(odd){
             font-size: 30px;
.resultaat span:nth-child(even){
             font-size: 18px; 

Test out these methods and see which one best fits your needs. In my experience, I typically opt for solution 1.

Answer №2

In the case that your css appears to be correct but is not taking effect, one potential solution is to include the !important declaration in your css properties (e.g. font-weight: bold !important;)

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