What's the best way to enable touch scrolling for items within a div container?

I am in the process of creating a code snippet that will allow users to scroll through items within a div, similar to a spinning wheel or slot machine. While I am aware of an existing solution for iPhone and iPod, I want to develop a simpler, more streamlined version.

I have not incorporated any images into the design, instead focusing on utilizing CSS3 animations. You can view my current progress on jsbin here. Although I attempted to bind the touchmove event using jQuery, it seems that the alert is not triggering as expected.

My primary goal is to enable smooth scrolling/swiping up and down within the div container without affecting the overall page scroll. Any suggestions or improvements to the code would be greatly appreciated.

This functionality is intended for mobile devices such as iPhones and Android smartphones.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Answer №1

you're getting warm:

check out iScroll.

I did run into a slight hiccup in my testing - had to nest the code within a list (ul) but that might have been a mistake on my end.

Answer №2

If you're searching for a solution, you can achieve it by simply utilizing the default behavior on IOS Safari (iPhone/iPad).

Just set a fixed height for the container div with overflow, like this:

<div id="container" style="height:400px;overflow:auto">
Your content

This will enable scrolling using 2 fingers on versions prior to IOS5 and single-finger scroll for IOS5 and later.

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