Ways to dynamically alter the appearance of a conditionally displayed element in Svelte

Currently experimenting with SvelteKit 1.0 by building a simple to-do app, but I'm having trouble implementing conditional text strikethrough. My goal is to have the text style change to include a strikethrough when the user clicks on the checkbox next to the TodoItem. Despite logging the values for completed and textDecoration whenever they're updated, everything seems to be passing correctly, yet the style does not update as expected.

I've gone through the documentation here, trying to follow it closely, but unfortunately, the functionality still isn't working. Here's the code snippet:

+page.svelte (Home)

<script lang="ts">
    import SearchBar from '$components/SearchBar.svelte';
    import TodoItem from '$components/TodoItem.svelte';

    let todos = [
            id: 0,
            text: 'first task',
            completed: false

    const addTodos = (taskText: string) => {
        if (!taskText) return;

        todos = [
                id: todos.length,
                text: taskText,
                completed: false


    const checkTodo = (id: number) => {
        todos[id].completed = !todos[id].completed;

<h1>to-do app</h1>
<SearchBar onAdd={(str) => addTodos(str)} />

{#each todos as todo}
        onCheck={() => checkTodo(todo.id)}
        onDelete={() => console.log(`Delete ` + todo.id)}


<script lang="ts">
    export let text: string;
    export let onDelete: () => void;
    export let onCheck: () => void;
    export let completed: boolean;
    $: textDecoration = completed ? 'line-through' : 'none';

    // Logging when value changes
    $: textDecoration, console.log(textDecoration);
    $: completed, console.log(completed);

{#if text}
    <div class="todoContainer">
            on:click={() => {
            id={`todo-checkbox-` + text}
        <div style:textDecoration style:textAlign="left">
        <div on:click={onDelete} on:keypress={onDelete}>x</div>

    .todoContainer {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: space-between;
        align-items: center;
        width: 100%;
        height: 50px;
        border: 1px solid black;
        border-radius: 5px;
        margin: 10px 0;

Answer №1

When using the style:directive, remember to opt for dashes instead of camelCase (note that there may be a lack of examples in the documentation and tutorials).


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