Ways to conceal the value of a button element?

Is there a way to conceal the text on a button without hiding the entire button? I attempted using color: transparent; but to no avail.

The goal is to hide only the text within the button, while retaining the value attribute. The value should remain in the code, just not visible on the button itself.

Answer №1

To have the button show up with no text, designate an empty string as the value and then adjust the height and width of the button manually.

Answer №2

Feel free to use this code that is compatible with both IE and FireFox:


  input.noText {
    color: transparent;
    text-indent: -9999px;
    width: 200px; /* specify width */
    height: 25px; /* fixed height */
    *margin-left: 9999px; /* for IE6 only */
    font-size: 0px;
    line-height: 16px; /* maintains height */


  <input type="button" value="moo" class="noText" />

Answer №3

Dealing with a similar situation, I found a workaround. By utilizing CSS to decrease the font-size to 0px, the text becomes virtually invisible. In the meantime, you can customize the button's appearance by setting a background image and adjusting the height and width properties to match the dimensions of the image being used. This way, the visual design of the button remains independent from its actual value.

Answer №4

This technique worked perfectly for me, I implemented the following CSS:

input.button { text-indent: -9000px; text-transform: capitalize; }

I tested this solution in Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer 9, Internet Explorer 8, and even Internet Explorer 7.

Answer №5

Nathan Reed's suggestion stands out to me as the top choice. Considering your requirement for the value, here is what I believe will meet your needs:

<button type="submit" value="my value" style="color: buttonface;">

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