Information on IR region source
Retrieving all data from the employee table
Created a List of Values (LOV) based on department number
After running the report, navigate to Actions > Format > Highlight
In the highlight options, you can customize colors, specify whether to highlight the entire row or just a cell, and set conditions for highlighting. It's worth noting that for LOV columns, you can easily access the LOV values by clicking on the arrow next to the expression field!
Implementing these changes will visually enhance the report as follows:
If you wish for these highlights to be applied automatically, remember to save your report!
If the default highlighting does not meet your requirements, you can also utilize JavaScript and CSS.
Create a dynamic action that triggers after refreshing the IR region, with an execution step of type Execute Javascript.
$("#apexir_DATA_PANEL td[headers='DEPTNO']").each(
$(this).addClass('deptAccounting'); //style can be maintained in CSS!
$(this).css({"background-color":"red"}); //for immediate adjustments
Keep in mind that when using this method, you must specify the column (header) and provide the exact text for comparison!