Cannot find CSS selector during web scraping operation

I recently started exploring web scraping and I'm currently working on extracting data from the following website:

Specifically, I'm focused on extracting information from a particular table. However, the data in this table is not formatted in a way that aligns with my current web scraping skills. As a result, I turned to the UIpath studio solution after trying the rvest package from R, as it appeared to be a more efficient approach to achieving my goal. Here is a screenshot of the code from that page, with the key element highlighted:

enter image description here

I am facing difficulties in isolating the text "à pillé" and converting it into a variable or a column in the desired output table. What approach should I take to accomplish this task? I have scoured the internet for solutions but have not been successful so far. I hope my question is clear and someone can provide guidance.

Answer №1

Explore the functionality of vignette("selectorgadget") in the rvest package. Utilizing this code snippet, you can extract the Top 10 Village table:

library(rvest, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

url <- ""
top_10_village <- read_html(url)  %>%;
  html_nodes(".col:nth-child(1) td") %>%;

tibble(`#`       = 1:10,
       Village   = top_10_village[seq(1, length(top_10_village), 2)],
       Habitants = top_10_village[seq(2, length(top_10_village), 2)])
#> # A tibble: 10 x 3
#>      `#` Village       Habitants
#>    <int> <chr>         <chr>    
#>  1     1 Number 1      455      
#>  2     2 Beaumanoir    448      
#>  3     3 L'Astra       446      
#>  4     4 Yolo Land     438      
#>  5     5 Sexonthebeach 430      
#>  6     6 -.-           429      
#>  7     7 Konoha-       427      
#>  8     8 yuei          410      
#>  9     9 Memen         409      
#> 10    10 Moulin Huon   408

Developed on 2018-09-22 with the assistance of the reprex package (v0.2.1)

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