Personalized design for the range input in React

I am working on a React component that includes an input range element. I have used some CSS to style it vertically and currently, it looks like this:

My goal is to customize the appearance of the slider so that it resembles this design:

I am wondering how to go about styling the circle select and line in the slider. Should I utilize CSS pseudo-classes for this task? Is it feasible to incorporate SVG as the circle select?

Answer №1

While some may call it laziness, I like to think of it as efficiency. There are 2 potential solutions that come to mind for making the axis mobile-friendly, and my personal preference lies with the first one.

Creating an SVG in Figma is a simple way to ensure responsiveness without much extra effort. By breaking it down into three distinct elements and applying proper styling, you can position it correctly. Additionally, SVGs can be easily animated using GSAP or similar libraries.

The alternative approach, though more labor-intensive in my view, involves recreating the axis purely in CSS using ::before, ::after, and an svg icon in the center. This method may require the use of absolute positioning, leading to potential responsiveness issues.

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