Watir: selecting the first table cell that contains an a-href link

My CSS alias looks like this:

module MyPage

  def locator(key, *options)
    hash = {
        "FIRST_TABLE_CELL_HREF" => [ :css => '#my-table td:nth-child(1):first a']

I am trying to click on the alias using Ruby syntax:


The issue I am facing is that it's a Javascript style alias and not working as expected.

So my question is, how can I convert this to a Ruby style css alias?


$('#my-table td:nth-child(1):first a')
executes successfully in browser console.

This is particularly important for @TitusFortner: When targeting a specific element, his approach holds true. However, considering my use of a business level language (Gherkin), I need to create a universal instruction. An example would be:

When I right click on the element "FIRST_TABLE_CELL_HREF"
. This instruction should correspond to:

When(/^I right click(?: on|)(?: the|) "([^\"]*)"$/i) do |scope|

Where @page = @browser.visit(SomePage), and

@browser = BrowserBase.new start_browser(ENV['BROWSER'])

Answer №1

Watir makes it simple to locate elements without relying heavily on css selectors

To open a new browser instance with Watir: browser = Watir::Browser.new

To access the first link within a table:

browser.table(id: 'my-table').link

To target the link in the first data cell of a table:

browser.table(id: 'my-table').td.link

If css is necessary for selection:

browser.link(css: '#my-table a')

When dealing with tables nested within an iframe, make sure to specify the iframe context as the driver may not automatically detect it. In Watir, this approach works:

browser.iframe(id: 'iframe_id').table(id: 'my-table').link

However, attempting to use css directly without specifying the iframe will not work:

browser.link(css: '#iframe_id #my-table a')

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