varying heights in bootstrap columns

My goal with utilizing the grid system of Bootstrap 3 is to achieve the following visual layout: View my envisioned image here. However, when using the normal row and col structure, I end up with a different result: See what I actually get here.

Is there a way for me to align the first element of the second row in such a manner that it perfectly lines up with the first element of the first row while maintaining varying heights and ideally keeping the original order of elements?

Answer №1

Is this what you're looking for?

Check out the CodePen link here!

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-xs-6">
    <div style="background: red">
    <div style="background: blue">
      Once more<br/><br/><br/>
  <div class="col-xs-6">
    <div style="background: cyan">
      Returning again<br/><br/><br/>
    <div style="background: red">
    <div style="background: blue">
      Once more<br/><br/><br/>

Answer №2

If you're looking to create something similar to a platform like Trello,

Give that application a try for inspiration.

You can also use this styling guide as a reference: Trello CSS Guide

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