Variability in how browsers handle text areas

After examining the provided markup, I noticed that none of the browsers are keeping the textareas in the container. While this is not a major issue, it can be inconvenient. However, what's really bothering me is that no matter what I do, I can't seem to get rid of the bottom margin for the textarea specifically in Chrome. Any ideas on how to fix this?

If you want to take a look at everything in action, feel free to check out this fiddle:

Here's the markup:

<div id="wrap">
    <textarea id="txtInput" rows="6" cols="20"></textarea>
    <div id="test"></div>



Answer №1

In order to address the issue of "the bottom margin for the textarea in Chrome", simply include vertical-align: top in #txtInput.

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By implementing this fix, you will achieve consistent display across the browsers mentioned.

Are you searching for a solution to prevent the textarea from extending beyond its container?

This modification resolves compatibility with IE8, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera. Note that it does not rectify the issue in IE7:

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    box-sizing: border-box;
    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;

In this case, we are utilizing the box-sizing property.

While there may be a way to resolve the issue completely in IE7, unless it is crucial for your project, tolerating a slight protrusion of approximately ~3px outside the container in that browser might be the most practical approach.

Answer №2

To fix this issue, you can solve it by changing the display property to block for the textarea element.


Remember that the width of the textarea does not account for the 1px border, so reducing the width by 2px will help prevent overflow.

Answer №3

For my browser version of Chrome 9.0.597.107, I found that setting a bottom margin of -5px was effective.

    margin:0 0 -5px;

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