Limit image size in Outlook when using Mailchimp

I'm currently working on coding a Mailchimp template for a client and I've run into an issue with image dimensions.

The problem arises when images exceed the width of the template (usually 600px), as they are displayed at their original size in Outlook. Unfortunately, I cannot rely on my users to handle this flaw gracefully.

One workaround that somewhat works is hard coding the image dimensions into the img tag. However, changing the image in Mailchimp overrides these hardcoded attributes - so Microsoft isn't entirely to blame.

I've searched for a solution and found some helpful information here: How to retain image dimensions in Mailchimp templates - though the accepted answer there lacks completeness.

Does anyone have any clever suggestions? I've spent countless days on this now and am losing faith.

I even tried a supposedly foolproof method, but it ended up breaking in Outlook 2010 and older versions during Litmus testing:

<!-- content1 -->
    <table mc:repeatable mc:variant="Section: item with image top and CTA" width="300" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center" class="full-table" style="width:300px;">
            <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="100%">
                <table width="100%">
                        <td width="100%">
                            <img mc:edit="article_image" src="" id="contact-photo" alt="" style="width:100%; max-width:100%;" width="300">
<!-- end content1 --> 

Answer №1

Your question seems to be quite similar to another one I came across on Mailchimp affecting Outlook-specific conditional comments in HTML

I faced the same issue as you did. Despite spending hours debugging and searching online, I stumbled upon information from a MailChimp post that explained:

Outlook doesn’t recognize certain HTML elements related to images, causing problems with resizing. To avoid image display issues in Outlook, resize your images before uploading them to MailChimp or use the platform's built-in image editor.

source: MailChimp Knowledge Base

Even though it was hard to believe, I kept trying to constrain the images by setting fixed widths on various HTML elements like img, td, tr, table... but nothing worked.

While I can't explain the technical details, I recommend setting max-width & width for your images and td elements. It's also important to inform clients about resizing images properly. Setting these attributes will display the dimensions when hovering over the editable image in MailChimp editor. Moreover, uploading larger images triggers a warning message in MailChimp.

If it helps, below is a snippet of code I used in my templates to create fluid layouts:

<table mc:repeatable mc:variant="Item with image top and CTA" width="650" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center" class="full-table" style="width:650px;">
  <td style="padding:30px 20px 40px 20px;" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
        <td style="padding-bottom:15px;max-width:610px;">
          <img src="/images/img.jpg" alt="x" style="width:100%; max-width:610px;" width="610" mc:edit="article_image">

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