Align the text to the center within the Paper component using React and Material-ui

I've been struggling to center text inside a paper component in Material UI, and nothing seems to be working. I attempted using display:flex in the parent component with align-items:center in the child component. I also tried adding padding:5px for equal spacing, but it didn't have any effect. Additionally, I experimented with text-align and vertical-align properties, but they too failed to produce the desired result. Here is how it currently appears:

My goal is to horizontally center the text within the three bottom boxes (paper components in Material-UI).

Answer №1

Here's a styling suggestion for the paper class:

  paper: {
    display: "flex",
    justifyContent: "center",
    alignItems: "center",
    textAlign: "center",
    verticalAlign: "middle"
    boxShadow: "4px 4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)",
    borderRadius: "25px",

To implement this, wrap your questions in a Paper component like this:

       <Paper className={classes.paper}>
                // style={{ width: "70%", margin: "auto" }} I think you should avoid break tags instead do something with the width
                What are Tabaani experience standards and requirements?

Learn more about why you should avoid break tags here. You can also view a working example on codesandbox. Enjoy!

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