Conceal a div element only if it is nested within a particular div class

I have a question about hiding a specific div within another div.

Here is the scenario:

<div class="xp-row xp-first-row">
  <div class="social-buttons">
      Some Content Here

The goal is to hide the div with class "social-buttons" only if it is nested inside the parent div with classes "xp-row" and "xp-first-row". If the "social-buttons" div is standalone, it should not be hidden.

I tried using this CSS code:

.xp-row xp-first-row .social-buttons{

Unfortunately, this didn't work as expected. Do you have any suggestions on how to achieve this?

Thank you for your help!

Answer №1

It is important to declare the rule .xp-row.xp-first-row without spaces since it is contained within a single div:

.xp-row.xp-first-row .social-buttons {
    visibility: hidden;  

For example:

.xp-row.xp-first-row .social-buttons{
  visibility: hidden;  
<div class="xp-row xp-first-row">
    <div class="social-buttons">
        Some Content Here

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