Utilizing the each() method to cycle through multiple unordered lists and concealing any nested list items exceeding a count of 8

Struggling to figure out how to loop through all ul elements with a class of ul.children and hide any child elements under ul.child that exceed 8.

See the snippet of code below for reference:

$(function() {
$('ul.children').each(function() {
    var $ul = $(this);
    if($ul.children().length > 8) {

Here is an example of how this could be applied in HTML:

<ul class="children>
   <li>hide all other li elements below this point</li>

<ul class="children>
   <li>hide all other li elements below this point</li>

Answer №1


DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/2NzqM/

Alternatively, you can try another approach suggested by @Vitaliy Petrychuk in the comments:

$(".list-of-children > item:nth-child(n+9)").hide();

Answer №2

Here is a snippet using the index() and toggle() methods:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('ul.children li').each(function(index, element) {
        $(element).toggle($(element).index() > 7);

Answer №3

If you want to filter elements with an index greater than 8, you can utilize the gt() method.

Check out a live demonstration here

$(function () {
    $('ul.children').each(function () {        
        $('li:gt(8)', this).hide();        

Answer №4

To solve this problem, consider implementing the filter() method:


$('ul.children li').filter(function(i){return i>7}).hide();

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