On my Prestashop website, I have implemented the "Advanced Homepage Product List" module. I removed the category names from the titles to have my items sorted without displaying the category names.
Currently, this is how it appears: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Yv1p3.png
I would like the "Buy Fudgee Bar..." item to be positioned next to the "Buy 2 bioderm coolness.." item. If they can be combined into one, they will appear right next to each other, correct? :o
How can I achieve this?
Here is the Smarty template file for the module:
{assign var=zItem value=0}
{if isset($isian) AND $isian}
{foreach from=$isian item=cat name=productCat}
{assign var=zItem value=$zItem+1}
{if isset($products) && $products}
{counter name=active_ul assign=active_ul}
{include file="$style" class='homefeatured tab-pane' id='prodcat' active=$active_ul}
<p>{l s='No featured products' mod='prodcat'}</p>
The final result doesn't have to necessarily be a single item. As long as "buy fudgee bar chocolate" is displayed right next to "buy 2 bioderm coolness.." and there are no blank spaces left if there are other categories. The idea is to continuously display the products without any gaps.