Utilizing SASS for customizable color schemes

I am in the process of creating a website using Rails 3 which will allow users to customize their profiles with different layouts and color schemes. I have already implemented SASS, and I believe it would be incredibly useful if I could achieve something like this…

<link src="base_styles.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link src="color_schemes/users_choice.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link src="layouts/users_choice.css" rel="stylesheet">

…where the color scheme details would mainly (if not entirely) consist of SASS variables specifying the colors to be used in the layout. Of course, I cannot simply link the SASS or CSS files in this way; I would need to import them into SASS.

Is there a way to dynamically import SASS files into the parser at request-time and then cache the resulting CSS files for future use?

I have considered the less optimal option of pre-building every possible combination upon deployment, but that approach falls short if I want to offer users the ability to set their own colors down the line. It feels like a missed opportunity with SASS, as though it should be possible to implement such functionality seamlessly.

Answer №1

After delving into the Sass documentation, it appears that achieving this task is indeed possible using their functions. However, it seems like a complex route to take and could lead to potential issues down the line.

The most effective way I've discovered to tackle this issue is by generating the user-specific template when they update their settings. This approach not only works more efficiently but also ensures that no requests are delayed while waiting for parsing.

# unless cached_copy_exists
template = %Q{
  @import '/path/to/color_scheme';
  @import '/path/to/layout';

output = Sass::Engine.new(template, :syntax => :scss).render

# output rendered CSS to file for inclusion in HTML template

To allow for custom colors, user-input can be compiled into SASS css variables in a string and added to the template file passed to the Sass parsing/rendering engine.


As per request, here's a detailed example demonstrating how this method functions, focusing specifically on utilizing Sass variables and a pre-designed Sass stylesheet (simplified for clarity):

# config/routes.rb
resources :stylesheets, only: [:show]

# app/controllers/stylesheets_controller.rb
class StylesheetsController < ApplicationController
  layout nil

  def show
    styles = Stylesheet.find(params[:id])
    base_stylesheet_path = Rails.root.join('app', 'assets', 'profile.scss')

    # Constructing the SCSS string for the Sass rendering engine
    @sass = <<-SASS
      @import "#{base_stylesheet_path}";

    # Cache set for long term
    response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "public, max-age=#{1.year}"

    respond_to do |format|

# app/views/stylesheets/show.css.erb
<%= raw Sass::Engine.new(@sass :syntax => :scss).render -%>

# app/models/stylesheet.rb
class Stylesheet < ActiveRecord::Base
  serialize :variables, JSON

  def to_sass
    # Converting variable hash into SCSS
    variables.each_pair.map do |name, value|
      "$#{name}: #{value};"

# Example for the stylesheet model 
stylesheet = Stylesheet.new
stylesheet.variables[:primary_color] = "#0000ff"

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