Utilizing media queries in AMP for optimizing mobile website performance

Recently, I delved into the realm of utilizing AMP for my blog.

After perusing the documentation and observing examples of its application, I must say that anything enhancing performance is a welcome addition to me. Therefore, I am keen on incorporating it into my website pages.

The burning question I have - If I have a blog located at this URL: www.example.com/blog (optimized for desktop/laptop screens) and wish to implement AMP for mobile view, how does the browser determine which page to display on devices such as Safari, Chrome or even desktop browsers like Chrome, Firefox, etc.?

Does AMP automatically detect the device's dimensions to serve up the mobile version? Is there a specific viewport threshold that triggers the switch, or do I need to rely on @media queries either through CSS stylesheets or inline styling?

Further Exploring the AMP Question with Media Queries

Suppose I introduce a subdomain to house my AMP blog - e.g., (www.blog.example.com/) - When I search "example blog" on my phone, will the search results display the mobile/desktop HTML views? Similarly, if I conduct the same search on a desktop web browser, will it showcase the AMP page (www.blog.example.com/) or the main blog page (www.example.com/blog)?

How exactly does this system operate? And is there an optimal method for distinguishing between AMP and regular HTML pages with CSS styling (employing @media queries)?

Answer №1

If you want to create an AMP page and link it with a regular page, you can use the following code:

<link rel="canonical" href="$SOME_URL">

For more information, please visit . I hope this helps!

Answer №2

When it comes to AMP, the width and height of your device are not recognized, leading to the serving of a mobile page based on the canonical link.

What if you only have an AMP page?

<link rel="canonical" ref="https://www.example.com/your-amp-content-page.html">

And what if you have both AMP and non-AMP pages?

For Non-AMP Pages:

<link rel="amphtml" href="https://www.example.com/your-amp-content-page.html">

For AMP Pages:

<link rel="canonical" ref="https://www.example.com/your-non-amp-content-page.html">

For further details, please visit this link.

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