Chart: Observing the Discrepancy in the Initial X-Axis Points

I'm working on incorporating multiple charts onto one page, with each chart centered and stacked one after the other. I've set a fixed width for the graph canvas. The challenge arises from the varying ranges of tick values - one chart may have a y-axis range of [0-10], while another might span [0-10000]. This leads to different y-axis tick widths for each graph, resulting in an inconsistent user experience as the starting point of the x-axis varies between charts.

Is there a way to specify x-axis width independently in Flot chart, or are there alternative solutions to ensure all graphs are aligned and start from the same point?

I've included a sample sketch to help visualize the issue better.

Answer №1

According to information found in the flot API:

The parameters "labelWidth" and "labelHeight" define a specific size for tick labels in pixels, which can be helpful when aligning multiple plots. With the option "reserveSpace," Flot will set aside space for axes even if they are not displayed - this feature is especially useful when combined with labelWidth and labelHeight for arranging multi-axis charts.

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