Utilizing CSS to Properly Position HTML Elements

Check out my code on jsFiddle

I'm facing some challenges in positioning HTML elements using CSS. While I grasp the fundamental concepts of block and inline elements, implementing them in real coding scenarios can be confusing. I've shared my HTML code below, which I'm mostly satisfied with. Now, I've moved on to styling the code with CSS. My goal is to create a Navigation bar at the top of the page, for which I've used the CSS code (provided below).

Initially, I set my list items as inline-block. Then, I floated my heading to the left and the list to the right, resulting in a satisfactory layout. However, I encountered an issue where my 'slider' class element moves up between the two elements.

I'd appreciate a solution to this problem, but more importantly, I want to understand the underlying theory and functionality behind it. My speculation is that by floating these two elements, they have been taken out of the normal flow of the document, allowing the next element to fill the vacant space. I seek not only a fix but also a deeper comprehension of this phenomenon so I can handle similar challenges independently in the future.

.nav li {
display: inline-block;

.nav ul {
float: right;

.nav h1 {
float: left;

<div class="nav">

<div class="slider">
<h2>Andrew Hardiman</h2>
<p>Webdesigner & Developer</p>
<p>Read More</p>
<h3>I design and develop amazing websites that are sleek, easy-to-navigate and exciting to use.</h3>
<p>Work with us to plan your digital marketing mix and achieve better results online.</p>

<div class="Portfolio">
<div class="container">
<img src="https://download.unsplash.com/photo-1423655156442-ccc11daa4e99">
<h3>Role in Project</h3>
<h4>Project Lead</h4>
<h3>Project Included</h3>
<h4>Mobile and Web Interface</h4>

<div class="skills">
<div class="container">
<p>I am a bit of a hybrid Web Developer and like to utilize my skills both front and back end as well
as keep in touch with my creative side designing websites</p>

<div class="Experience">
<div class="container">
<h4>Work Experience</h4>
<p>Blah blah blah, professional with this and that.</p>
<h5>Royal National Lifeboat Institution</h5>
<p>Coastal Support Officer, blah blah blah.</p>
<h5>Pioneer Business Systems</h5>
<p>blah d, blah d, blah.</p>
<h5>JPMorgan Chase</h5>
<p>Some more blah d, blah.</p>

<div class="wrap">
<div class="container">
<img src="https://download.unsplash.com/photo-1424296308064-1eead03d1ad9">
<h3>Andrew Hardiman</h3>
<p>I have worked for one of the top Investment Banks in the world (JPMorgan) and loved every minute of it!</p>
<p>Today, I have left the world of high-finance to fulfill my curiosity in the freelance arena which has been amazing so far and I can't think of why I did not take the plunge sooner.</p>

<div class="contact">
<div class="container">
<div id="Username"></div>
<div id="Email"></div>
<div id="Cost or your project"></div>
<div id="Timeline"></div>

<p>Flat 1, 29 Markham Road, Bournemouth, BH9 1HZ</p>

<h4>I AM SOCIAL</h4>

<div class="Send'>
<a href="#">Send</a>


<div class="location">

<div class="top-footer">

<div class="footer-menu">

<div class="footer-archives">
<li>March 2014</li>
<li>April 2014</li>
<li>May 2014</li>
<li>June 2014</li>

<div class="widget">
<p>Not really sure what this is for, you'll need to find out.</p>

<div class="follows">
<li><a href="#"></li>
<li><a href="#"></li>
<li><a href="#"></li>

<div class="footer-bottom">
<P>© 2015 Website by Andrew Hardiman</p>

Answer №1

Here's a quick tip: To resolve the issue you're facing, make sure to clear your floats.

.nav { 
clear: both; 
overflow: auto; }

You can observe this solution in action by viewing a modified version of your jsfiddle. (By the way, I noticed some syntax errors in your HTML which I corrected in the forked link provided above, like missing closing tags.)

More detailed explanation: Within DIV.nav, you have 2 child elements that are floating. However, because these elements do not occupy the entire space, any content below DIV.nav will start moving up to fill any gaps.

I also suggest exploring beginner resources on platforms such as SitePoint or A List Apart. I hope this information proves useful for you.

Answer №2

To ensure that your floated content does not impact any subsequent divs, make sure to clear the float. Incorporate the following code into your CSS stylesheet:


When you float an element either left or right, it creates a gap that allows other elements to occupy that space. By clearing the float, you can prevent these elements from filling that void.

Alternatively, you may address the affected element with this solution:


Check out the JSFiddle demonstration here

Answer №3

Solution to the Issue:

To resolve this problem, you can clear your slider using the following CSS:


Explaining the Issue: The reason why your .slider moved between your ul and h1 is because the floated elements did not occupy 100% of the parent container's width. This allowed space for the .slider to fit in between them. Adding clear:both to the .slider class rectified this issue.

View Demo on jsFiddle

Alternative Solution:

An Alternative Approach: To avoid layout issues, consider utilizing div containers extensively as they are element containers. Set their width to 100% and nest your elements inside them. Here's an example demonstrating a solution:

<div class="row">

Apply these styles to the .row class:

.row {
    display: inline-block; /* or display: block;* display: table; */

This configuration ensures no other elements will interfere within that section.

Check out the demo with this alternative solution:

View Demo on jsFiddle

Responding to Concerns in Comments:

For further information, refer to this article from CSS-Tricks

div {
  display: inline;        /* Default of all elements, unless UA stylesheet overrides */
  display: inline-block;  /* Characteristics of block but aligns on a line */
  display: block;         /* UA stylesheet sets block-level behavior for tags like <div> and <section> */
  display: run-in;        /* Less common characteristic with limited support */
  display: none;          /* Conceal element */

A variety of display values exist to mimic table behaviors for non-table elements when needed. -css-tricks

div {
  display: table;
  display: table-cell;
  display: table-column;
  display: table-colgroup;
  display: table-header-group;
  display: table-row-group;
  display: table-footer-group;
  display: table-row;
  display: table-caption;

Answer №4

Include the following CSS snippet:

  overflow: hidden;

By adding this code to the container named .navigation, you will prevent it from collapsing. To visualize this, try adding a background or border to see the effect. If your menu items do not expand in a fly-out manner, using overflow: hidden should not cause any issues.

If there is a fly-out functionality present, consider inserting an additional div below both child elements (h1 and ul). Applying clear: both to that new div should yield the same outcome.

In scenarios where the container only consists of floating elements, collapsing may occur as a result.

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