"Utilizing Bootstrap's hamburger menu for a sleek solution when your menu becomes overcrowded

One interesting aspect of Bootstrap is its ability to collapse menu items into a hamburger menu within the navbar at specific window size breakpoints. However, there are instances where even on larger screens that exceed these breakpoints, the hamburger button should still appear when the navbar becomes too cluttered with numerous menu items.

Is there a method to achieve this functionality, either through built-in features, CSS/HTML alone, or with minimal JS involvement? Has anyone attempted this before and is willing to share their code and insights?

Answer №1

My approach to this answer might not be entirely accurate, but I believe I have a grasp on it. The Bootstrap Docs contain valuable examples, with the Navbar example showcasing the range of flexible and responsive classes available.

While Bootstrap lacks built-in functionality to determine when to collapse, there are JavaScript solutions that can help fill this gap.

Take a look at these inspiring JavaScript solutions:

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