What is the syntax for implementing conditional statements within the style jsx of Next.js?

Recently, I've been exploring the use of <style jsx> in my Next.js project and encountered a scenario where I needed to style an element based on a conditional statement. Additionally, my project relies on tailwindCSS for styling:

className="mt-20 description_content text-center flex flex-col justify-center items-center text-gray-500 mx-5"
__html: productDetail?.description,}}>
        .description_content p:first-child {
          position: relative !important;
          overflow: hidden !important;
          width: 100% !important;
          padding-top: 56.25% !important; /* if there is no iframe tag as a child, it should be padding-top: 0px; */

        .description_content p iframe {
          position: absolute !important;
          top: 0 !important;
          left: 0 !important;
          bottom: 0 !important;
          right: 0 !important;
          width: 100% !important;
          height: 100% !important;
          margin: 0 auto !important;

My goal is to dynamically set the padding-top property to 56.25% under certain conditions - specifically when an iframe tag is present under the first p tag. However, if there's no iframe tag under the first p tag, I want to adjust the padding-top to 0px.

I'm curious if there's a method to implement a conditional statement within CSS to achieve this functionality.

Answer №1

According to the details provided in the documentation for nextjs, you can incorporate styling by using the style jsx tag as demonstrated in this code snippet:

className="mt-20 description_content text-center flex flex-col justify-center items-center text-gray-500 mx-5"
__html: productDetail?.description,}}>
<style jsx>{`
 .description_content p:first-child {
   padding-top: ${yourConditionHere ? '56.25%' : '0'};

Replace yourConditionHere with the appropriate iframe condition in the code.

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